Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Los Angeles Transportation: Fact and Fiction

For anyone in California out there or who has a familiarity with commuter life in L.A., I wanted to draw your attention to Freakonomics' latest series on facts and fiction about commuting in L.A.

Most people think of L.A. as the smoggiest, over-freewayed, crappiest-public-transportation-having quagmire in the world. Maybe so, but maybe not. Here's the last installment in the series (that also provides links to the previous articles) to let you know how things really are.



Anna said...

An expert who agrees with me: "LA traffic really, really sucks."

I so love it when I'm right.

BaskoBeagho said...

Since I moved "back" to LA three and a half years ago (LA proper, though, not the suburbs), I've consistently used the public transport as my main method of tranportation. And with the exception of the buses, which are hit or miss, the trains/light rail system is wonderful-- clean, on time, and safe. I rarely see any traffic at all because I take the train to work and drive only on the weekends, usually in the mornings, when the freeways are clear. Although LA traffic sucks, I find ways to avoid it (like living in areas with access to the trains--there are many neighborhoods), nor do I think it was much worse than Chicago, for example. My only complaint is that the train/light rail system isn't really efficient unless you're going downtown (or at least through it), and LA, being polycentric, needs a wider transportation base.

Violet said...

I hate LA! We try to avoid it as much as possible. It's too bad there are so many cool things to do there.

By the way I didn't have a digital camera on my mission. I scanned them all in. One of my many projects while I was big and prego.